Miami-Dade 2040 LRTP - Oct. 23, 2014

C-2 | MOBILITY OPTIONS 1 noitatropsnarT fo tnemtrapeD adirolF APPENDIX FOR THE METROPOLITAN LONG RANGE PLAN 2040 Forecast of State and Federal Revenues for Statewide and Metropolitan Plans Overview This appendix documents the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) revenue forecast through 2040. Estimates for major state programs for this metropolitan area and Florida are included. The forecast encompasses state and federal funds that “flow through” the FDOT work program. This information is used for updates of metropolitan long range transportation plans, the Florida Transportation Plan and the Strategic Intermodal System (SIS) Cost Feasible Plan. Background Evolving state and federal legislation, FDOT policies, and leadership by the Metropolitan Planning Organization Advisory Council have provided the impetus to enhance the cooperative relationship between FDOT and metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) in planning for and providing transportation facilities and services. The Florida Transportation Plan (FTP), developed with the assistance of Florida’s 26 MPOs and other transportation partners, established long range goals and program emphases for the expenditure of state and federal funds expected from current revenue sources. The Department developed a long range revenue forecast through 2040. The forecast was based upon recent legislation (e.g., MAP-21 1 ), changes in factors affecting state revenue sources (e.g., population growth rates) and current policies. This 2040 forecast incorporates (1) amounts contained in the Department’s Work Program for 2014 through 2018, (2) the impact of the Department’s objectives and investment policies, and (3) the current Statutory Formula (equal parts of population and motor fuel tax collections) for distribution of certain program funds. All estimates are expressed in year of expenditure dollars. Purpose This appendix provides the public and interested parties with clear documentation of the state and federal financial issues related to each MPO plan and facilitates reconciliation of statewide and metropolitan plans. This appendix does not address financial issues related to funds that do not “flow through” the state work program. Information on financial issues related to local and regional revenue sources – what those resources are and how the metropolitan areas plan to spend them – is contained in other documentation of the metropolitan plan. This appendix describes how the statewide 2040 Revenue Forecast was developed. Also, metropolitan estimates are identified for certain major FDOT programs that expand the capacity of existing transportation systems, and are referred to as “capacity programs.” “Metropolitan estimates” are the estimated share of certain state capacity programs for this metropolitan area. They can be used to fund planned improvements to major elements of the transportation system. This appendix also includes estimates of funds required for other FDOT programs designed to support, operate, and maintain the state transportation system. The FDOT has set aside sufficient funds in the 2040 Revenue Forecast for these programs, referred to as “non-capacity programs” in this document, to meet statewide objectives and program needs in all metropolitan and non- metropolitan areas. Funding for these programs is not included in the metropolitan estimates. 1 Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21 st Century Act, Public Law 112-141, July 6, 2012.