Miami-Dade 2040 LRTP - Oct. 23, 2014
MIAMI-DADE LONG RANGE TRANSPORTATION PLAN UPDATE TO THE YEAR 2040 Chapter 9 | Wheels in Motion EYES ON THE FUTURE | 9-13 Recommended Mobility-focused Performance Measures fromOther Parties Several agencies have been recommending specific performance measures to FHWA for consideration. Recommendations have been based on various factors, with two primary measures being: availability of data; and the value-added (i.e., what does the measure tell us and how will it effectively help guide agency investment decisions) to planning, implementation, and operations and maintenance programs. Below are some examples of mobility-focused recommendations provided to-date by both the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) and the FDOT. AASHTO and FDOT recommendations for mobility related performance measures are shown in Table 9-2 and Table 9-3 , respectively. Performance of the 2040 Plan During the development of the Plan’s goals and objectives, both quantitative and qualitative measures of performance were identified to help inform the decision-making process. Below is a summary of the forecasted performance of the transportation system under various phases/scenarios developed as part of the 2040 LRTP: Below, Table 9-4 summarizes the Country-wide performance metrics of the Plan’s goal of Improving System and Travel. AASHTO Recommendations for Mobility Related Performance Measures Congestion Mitigation National Highway Performance Program Freight Movement • (Should apply only to non-atainment areas 1,000,000+ popula on) • Delay • Travel time reliability • Delay • Travel time reliability Table 9-4 | Improve System and Travel Related Performance Metrics (Countywide) Table 9-2 | AASHTO Recommendations for Mobility Related Performance Measures Table 9-3 | FDOT Recommendations for Mobility Related Performance Measures FDOT Recommendations for Mobility Related Performance Measures • Vehicle miles traveled • Percent travel meeting generally acceptable operating conditions • Travel time reliability • Delay • Percent miles severely congested 1. Base Conditions (Year 2010) 2. Existing Transportation System + Year 2040 Growth (formally known as the Existing + Committed Plan) 3. Financially Unconstrained Transportation System + Year 2040 Growth (formally known as the Needs Plan) 4. Financially Constrained Transportation System + Year 2040 Growth (formally known as the Cost Feasible Plan) Performance Measures Base Conditions Existing Transportation System + Growth Scenario 1 Outcomes Financially Unconstrained Transportation System + Growth Scenario 2 Outcomes Financially Constrained Transportation System + Growth Scenario 3 Outcomes Lanes Miles 5,797 6,171 6,985 6,442 Vehicle Miles Traveled 41,771,033 57,207,284 57,865,816 57,243,299 Vehicle Hours Traveled 1,487,343 2,106,189 1,763,361 2,035,220 Route Miles 3,432 3,346 4,643 3,368 Transit Boardings 306,161 420,834 874,187 429,390 Drive alone 0.426 0.441 0.439 0.441 Carpool 0.368 0.339 0.338 0.339 Transit 0.023 0.024 0.028 0.024 Non-Motorized 0.183 0.196 0.195 0.196 Roadway Network Related Outcomes Transit Network Related Outcomes Mode Choice Related Outcomes