Miami-Dade 2040 LRTP - Oct. 23, 2014
MIAMI-DADE LONG RANGE TRANSPORTATION PLAN UPDATE TO THE YEAR 2040 Chapter 9 | Wheels in Motion EYES ON THE FUTURE | 9-3 -9 P3 Other 1 Discre onary Grant 2 Project Highlights Po Funding Mechanism/Source Convention Center Terminal at Miami Beach: Development of a terminal facility at this location could be part of a joint development project whereby MDT works with a private developer. ** ** The Palmetto and Okeechobee Terminal expansion/improvement projects are funded in the MrMICCI (SFRTA #110) is a potential illustrative project even though it is shown as fully funded in the plan update. The implementing agency, SFRTA, is currently completing the PD&E, and will likely need additional funding support from other agencies such as FDOT, FTA, and FRA to fully fund and implement the project. This project will improve an important regional rail connection to the MIC. Develop a truck staging/parking area in the northwest quadrant of the interchange associated with a freight facility development. NW 117 Avenue (25 to 41 Streets) is a potential illustrative project even though it is shown as fully funded in the plan update. It is an important freight project, however it does not yet have a sponsoring agency, and needs additional project scope and concept development. The FTE is likely funding and implementation partner along with Miami-Dade County since this is currently a County roadway. Need agency sponsor and commitment for PD&E/design concept funding. NW 122 Ave (12 to 41 Streets), very similar to NW 117 above, is another potential illustrative project. It is another important freight project, and is fully funded in the plan update. It also does not have a sponsoring agency, and requires additional scoping effort and concept development. As with NW 117 Avenue, the FTE is likely fudning and implementation partner along with Miami Dade County. This is currently an unbuilt County roadway alignment (1/2 section line road). Need agency sponsor and commitment for PD&E/design concept funding. NW 25 Street (87 to HEFT) is a potential illustrative project and is partially funded in the plan update. While it is currently a County roadway, there is potential for FTE to be a funding and implementaiton partner. This project would connect from the airport west area, and the 25 Street viaduct, currently under construction, to the 2 freight projects noted above. It would improve a critical linkage for freight movements between the HEFT and the airport west warehousing area. It is likely that this project would require multiple funding and implementation partners. Need agency sponsor and commitment for PD&E/design concept funding. 2040 plan, but are also potential P-3’s in that MDT could seek joint development opportunities with the private sector. The layout of a conceptual improvement alternative is shown following this table. West Kendall Transit Terminal Improvements: Improvement of the existing terminal facility at this location could be part of a joint development project with MDT working with the private developer for this site. SR 821-HEFT Express Transit Service: Provision of this express service could be facilitated with a multi-agency approach whereby a certain percentage of toll revenues could be utilized to fund the transit operating cost.