Miami-Dade 2040 LRTP - Oct. 23, 2014

9-8 | MOBILITY OPTIONS Table 9-1 | Illustrative Project Candidates (continued) (Values in Millions $) Limits To Limits From Project Total Capital Cost (2013 $) Cost to Complete Construction 2041-2050 (YOE $) Description Unfunded - Illustrative Project Candidates Miami Beach Convention Center Terminal Miami Beach Convention Center 009.$3 $ imaiM nwotnwoD West Kendall Transit Terminal Improvements SW 88 St(Kendall)/SW 162 Ave Improvements to existing terminal facility $ $12.500 SR-821 (HEFT-South) Express Transit Service SW 344 St (Palm)/Busway Dolphin Station Transit Terminal Express bus service $ $0.176 Funded Projects - Illustrative Project Candidates Palmetto Terminal expansion / improvement projects $ $25.000 (Priority IV) $36.65 MrMICCI (SFRTA #110) Double tracking and new bridge over Miami River $ $50.400 ( Priority I) $59.29 NW 117 Ave 25 St 41 St New 2 Lane Road and Grade separation over NW 41 Street connecting to SR-821 (HEFT) $ $2.500 (Priority II) $ 9.15 NW 122 Ave 12 St 41 St New 2 Lane Road $ $11.640 (Priority II) $14.26 NW 25 St 87 St SR-821 (HEFT) Capacity and operational improvements $ $24.340 (Priority II) $32.85 Note: Partially Funded Projects are assumed to be completed in the 2041 - 2050 year band * Projects where the PD&E will de ne the project scope and / or project costs still need to be determined. **Joint Development Other - Other Potential Revenue Sources as described in Chapter 5 (p 5-8 to 5-9) Discretionary Grant Funds: TIGER (TG), New Starts (NS), TRIP (TP) Potential Multi-Agency Joint Participation Agreement 1 2 3 Truck Parking Facility NW 12 St/SR-821 (HEFT) $ $16.700 (Priority IV) $20.574