Miami-Dade 2040 LRTP - Oct. 23, 2014
MIAMI-DADE LONG RANGE TRANSPORTATION PLAN UPDATE TO THE YEAR 2040 Chapter 9 | Wheels in Motion EYES ON THE FUTURE | 9-3 9-7 P3 Other 1 Discretionary Grant 2 X X X The Beach Connection (MDT 135) is both a potential illustrative project and a probable P-3. It is partially funded in the plan update. The two major cities in which the project will be located could explore creative funding options such as tax increment financing, or special taxing districts to help provide partial funding for the project. It is also conceivable that the transit facility could be implemented and operated by a private vendor. $15 million for PD&E (to 30%) plans. X X X X X X X X X This is phase 2 of a project that is in the TIP. Development of the phase 2 terminal improvements could be part of a joint development project whereby MDT works with a private developer that can capture a revenue stream from the improvements. X X X This is a hybrid multimodal project which can potentially serve as a BRT and managed lanes facility. Implementation could be advanced by a multiple agency coalition (such as MDT, MDX, and FDOT) and jointly funded. Project has potential for tolling as a financing mechanism. Potential for implementation by multiple agency coalition and jointly funded. Project has potential for tolling as a financing mechanism. Potential for implementation by multiple agency coalition and jointly funded. Project has potential for tolling as a financing mechanism. Potential for implementation by multiple agency coalition and jointly funded. Project has potential for tolling as a financing mechanism. Potential for implementation by multiple agency coalition and jointly funded. Project has potential for tolling as a financing mechanism. Potential for implementation by multiple agency coalition and jointly funded. Project has potential for tolling as a financing mechanism. Project Highlights Potential Funding Mechanism/Source I-95 Master Plan (US 1 to Broward county line) is a potential illustrative “Needs” project, and also a potential P-2 since any new capacity would need to be funded with toll revenue. Due to the size of this project it may need a coalition of agencies with multiple funding sources to cover the capital costs. It is conceivable that the facility could be operated by a private vendor. NW 36/41 Street Corridor (LeJeune to HEFT) (FP 1040) is an illustrative project that is partially funded in the plan update. It will need a coalition of agencies with multiple funding sources to bring this project to fruition. I-95 Master Plan (US 1 to Broward count line) is a potential illustrative “Needs” project, and is aslo a potential P-3 since any new capacity would need to be funded with toll revenue. Due to the size of this project it may need a coalition of agencies with multiple funding sources to cover the capital costs. It is conceivable that the facility could be operated by a private vendow.