Miami-Dade 2040 LRTP - Oct. 23, 2014

MIAMI-DADE LONG RANGE TRANSPORTATION PLAN UPDATE TO THE YEAR 2040 Chapter 9 | Wheels in Motion To comprehensively describe the county’s needs, the MPO has created an Illustrative Projects list which by definition includes additional projects, not included in the cost feasible plan. These projects may be included in the cost feasible plan, if other revenue sources were to be available in the future, as allowed by 23 USC 134(i)(2)(C) and 49 USC. 5303(i)(2)(E). Illustrative Projects take priority over needs projects, as they are higher ranked in terms of necessity. However, incorporating a new Illustrative Project, would require an amendment to the LRTP, if the project had no previous phases in the plan. This means no federal action may be taken on any project until it is formally included in the financially constrained LRTP and conforming Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP). Public input and involvement is imperative before any amendments are made to the LRTP, which is facilitated by public hearings and various other communication methods. Additionally, Illustrative Projects in the LRTP which go beyond the 2040 horizon, have all phases after 2040 listed along with their respective project/phase costs and the time frame for when the project/phase is expected to commence. Expected funding sources and funding categories are also provided. Three freight projects are included as illustrative. They are NW 25 Street, NW 117 Avenue, and NW 122 Avenue. They range from improving an existing 4 lane arterial, to a new 2 lane roadway on a new alignment. Presently all 3 roads are under County jurisdiction. Given the importance of these projects for improving freight movements and relieving freight trucking congestion on City of Doral roadways, the MPO is hopeful that FDOT and FTE will become implementation partners in these projects in order to move them forward in the near term. The projects are shown in the cost feasible plan as funded with TMA funds. If any of these projects are able to be implemented with state funds rather than federal, this will then allow other federally eligible projects to move into the cost feasible plan. Improvments identified as illustrative project candidates are listed in Table 9-1 . For the illustrative projects which are partially funded or unfunded, there is the potential for these projects to move into the cost feasible plan as other revenue sources move closer to reality. Consistent with the Financial Element of this plan, the following additional revenue sources may help advance the illustrative projects. Additional sales tax Additional property tax Additional 2-cent local option gas tax Increased use of tolls Other surcharges and registration fees A potential tax on vehicle miles traveled Rendering of New Centralized Multimodal/Intermodal Transportation Facility at the Palmetto Station Metrorail EYES ON THE FUTURE | 9-5