Miami-Dade 2040 LRTP - Oct. 23, 2014

2040 Plan Plan Innovations Plan Innovations MIAMI-DADE LONG RANGE TRANSPORTATION PLAN UPDATE TO THE YEAR 2040 vehicle movements and (2) projects that will primarily improve freight movement (Freight Only Projects). The projects that will improve both freight and passenger vehicle movements were incorporated into Priorities I-IV as well as in the unfunded list of projects. The projects that are Freight specific were included in the freight set-aside. Integration of the Congestion Management Process (CMP) in the 2040 Plan : The federally mandated CMP was prepared in coordination with the LRTP update. Candidate facilities for congestion management treatments from both processes were folded into the LRTP prior to the development of the Cost Feasible Plan. This integration provided a more meaningful role for both the LRTP and the CMP in the cost efficient improvement of the transportation network in the County at a time when transportation funding projections are more limited than in past Plan updates. Regional LRTP Process and the Southeast Florida Transportation Council (SEFTC) : The regional coordination process for the Southeast Florida region was focused on multi- modal highway and transit facilities serving regional travel markets. The 2040 Regional Plan marked the second regional coordination effort that included the participation of the SEFTC, a regional board made up of Board members from the 3 Southeast Florida MPOs. The SEFTC is advised by the Regional Transportation Technical Advisory Committee (RTTAC) which is composed of staff from the 3 MPOs, FDOT Districts 4 and 6, and the transit agencies. Illustrative Projects : To comprehensively describe the county’s needs, an Illustrative Projects list which includes additional projects was developed. It includes projects fromboth the cost feasible and needs plans. As allowed by federal guidelines, these projects will be included as other revenue sources become available. Illustrative Projects take priority over other needs projects, as they are higher ranked in terms of necessity.