Miami-Dade 2040 LRTP - Oct. 23, 2014
The relationship between transportation and the economy is vital. Mobility, moving people and goods as efficiently as possible, is fundamental for economic prosperity. The Miami-Dade region is diverse in economic sectors with some segments of the economy having a global focus and importance, while other economic activity is regional in nature. In either case, transportation plays a key role in sustaining economic activity. As our economy continues to improve and grow, transportation improvements must keep pace to sustain economic expansion rather than to be a drag on the economy. This is one reason why long range transportation plans are particularly important—to ensure that long term transportation capital improvements align with the forecasted growth of jobs and population in the region, as well as specific growth assumptions such as the increase in freight movement. Another facet of economic sustainability for transportation is to provide mobility for those often faced with the greatest challenges to workforce participation. The 2040 Plan supports this facet of economic sustainability through: A key facet of sustainability in all sectors is to maximize the use of resources, particularly financial resources. The 2040 Plan advances the financial sustainability principle by, among other things: Figure 7-3 | Vulnerabilility to Climiate Change Sustainability Pillar 1: Economically and Financially Viable Transit investments Public input and involvement in all areas of the county to shape the plan Efforts to improve bicycle and pedestrian safety as many rely solely on these modes to access jobs and school Focus on Responsible Land Use & Smart Transportation Keeping a strong focus on transportation system preservation Advancing projects that improve transportation efficiency and operations Expanding funding for transit operations and maintenance Investing in projects that are deemed to have the greatest return on investment Responsibly aligning project investments with a reasonable expectation of the resources that will be available over the planning horizon Often, the most important transportation connection to economic sustainability is through a coordinated approach to land use / development. To the extent that transportation and land-use are meshed it can have a significant positive impact for economic sustainability and also yield more efficient and productive project results. Transit Oriented Development (TOD) is a classic example of how coordinated transportation and land use can result in greater transportation efficiently while bolstering economic development, often in brownfield areas that require less infrastructure investment. Land use and transportation continue to become increasingly linked. Compact, effiecient and urban areas are supported by transit, biking, and walking and provide livable communities while reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Many community partners have been tasked with implementing GreenPrint initiatives. The Miami-Dade MPO has been designated as the lead agency or as a partner for the following GreenPrint initiatives in the Responsible Land Use and Smart Transportation goal area. This GreenPrint goal area acknowledges new federal livability priorities and sets forth a plan to address local challenges both internal to county operations and external for municipalities and our developers. It establishes a vision, while recognizing short-term challenges. As such the plan’s approach is one of taking gradual steps that move in the right direction of better coordinated transportation and land use decision-making. Many of the Goals and Objectives developed for the LRTP correspond to the initiatives and are indicated in the parentheses after the initiative in Table 7-1 . ECONOMIC Focus on Responsible Land Use & Smart Transportation “...gradual steps that move in the right direction...” 7-4 | MOBILITY OPTIONS