Miami-Dade 2040 LRTP - Oct. 23, 2014
Environment & Sustainability "Sustaining Our Environment & Communities" CHAPTER SUBSECTIONS Chapter Overview Economically and Financially Viable Environmentally Sound Socially Responsible Chapter Overview Sustainability is a broad strategic focus and a way of doing business. It is far more than maintaining and protecting the environment-as important as that is as a component of sustainability. Sustainability has broad application for transportation planning encompassing social, environmental, and economic categories and principles. The goal of sustainability is to meet basic social needs, protect human health and the environment, and promote a viable and competitive economy in ways that make efficient use of resources. Sustainability entails meeting the needs of the current generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Alternative transportation projects often satisfy varied goals and such as: • Improve Transportation System and Travel • Support Economic Vitality • Protect and Preserve the Environment and Quality of Life and Promote Energy Conservation • Optimize Sound Investment Strategies for System Improvement and Management/ Operation (to maximize financial resources). EYES ON THE FUTURE I 7- 1