Miami-Dade 2040 LRTP - Oct. 23, 2014
2040 Plan Summary Highlights Summary Highlights MIAMI-DADE LONG RANGE TRANSPORTATION PLAN UPDATE TO THE YEAR 2040 Summary Highlights East-West Corridor (Flagler) Enhanced Bus North Corridor (NW 27 Ave) Enhanced Bus Douglas Road Corridor (37 Ave) Enhanced Bus Kendall Corridor Enhanced Bus Northeast Corridor (Biscayne) Enhanced Bus NW 7 Ave Enhanced Bus North Corridor (NW 27 Ave) BRT with Dedicated Lanes Kendall Park-and-Ride Facility Busway Park-and-Ride Facility Dolphin Station Transit Terminal Palmetto Intermodal Terminal The population of Miami-Dade County is expected to grow over 30% between 2010 and 2040, from almost 2.5 million people to over 3.3 million people. Employment is expected to grow over 40% for the time period, from 1.4 million workers to more than 2 million workers. The transportation defficiency analysis for the 21-year period from 2020 to 2040 identified almost 300 candidate capacity improvement projects needed to meet desired mobility conditions. These projects were reviewed and evaluated to develop the 2040 Plan. The 2040 Cost Feasible Plan (Plan) was developed based on the projected available revenue of $41 billion YOE dollars for the planning period. Removing the Operating and Maintenance (O&M) cost of the existing transportation system, leaves $15.2 billion YOE dollars for new capital projects and the associated Operating & Maintenance (O&M) cost for new projects, includes: highway projects which would cost $14 billion YOE dollars, and transit projects which would cost $1.4 billion YOE dollars, and $105 million for other projects. The projected revenue covers about 26% of the cost of the needed improvements. The following are highlights of the Miami-Dade 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) projects per mode, as follows: Transit Improvements: Improvements to the public transportation system are a primary objective of the Plan. Different from the 2035 Plan, there are additional available revenues for new transit projects and their Operating & Maintenance (O&M) costs. Flexible funding was allocated to construct and implement the following projects: Cost Estimates: Costs were estimated for all phases (Preliminary Engineering, ROW, Construction, and O&M) of work for all projects. Partially funded projects are identified in the Plan with allocated funds shown per phase leading up to construction. These estimates are shown for all projects in the Plan. Non-motorized Improvements: Facilities such as on-road bicycle lanes, off-road greenways / trails and sidewalks are included in the Plan. On-road bicycle and pedestrian projects are incorporated into capacity projects, when feasible. Funding for other non-motorized projects is based on the assumption that a pre-determined financial set- aside will be devoted to non-motorized transportation projects. Congestion Management Process Improvements: The Congestion Management Process (CMP) process was prepared in coordination with the LRTP and it is integrated within the Plan. Funding for these improvements is based on the assumption that a pre-determined financial set- aside will be devoted to congestion management. Freight Transportation Improvements: Freight movement is emphasized in the 2040 LRTP. The 2014 Miami-Dade Freight Plan is integrated within the LRTP cost feasible plan and includes a variety of freight related improvements identified to improve freight movement that also provides benefits to non-freight travel. Improvements that will primarily improve freight movement (Freight Only Projects) will be funded with a pre- determined financial set aside devoted to Freight Only Projects. Private Sector Improvements: The Plan also includes highway improvements that will be completed with private sector funding as part of proposed land development projects. As such, these projects are dependent uponmarket conditions, and are not included in the cost feasible network. Highway improvements: As an integral part of the Plan, and to build upon the success of the I-95 managed lanes, additional managed lanes are planned for I-75, SR-821, SR-826 (Palmetto), and SR-836 (Dolphin). Other expressway improvements are listed for the Florida’s Turnpike, Florida Department of Transportation and the Miami-Dade Expressway Authority (MDX).