Miami-Dade 2040 LRTP - Oct. 23, 2014

Table 6-21 | Freight Set-Aside Projects (Values in Millions YOE $) 6-76 | MOBILITY OPTIONS Le Jeune Road NW 28 St Make SB left-turn protected only. Close the gap for sidewalks. Discontinued sidewalk north of NW 28 St on the east side of Le Jeune Road. 051.$0 $ 421.$0 $ NW 72 Avenue NW 74 Ave SR-836 (Dolphin) The intersectionsat 12, 25, 36, 58 need improvement for turning radii, left-turn storage, and signal timing (left-turn clearance). 822.$2 $ 148.$1 $ Truck Parking Improvement NW 36 Street/NW 37 Ave Develop a truck staging/parking area near NW 36 Street and NW 37 Ave for the Port of Miami River. 411.$4 $ 004.3 $ $ NW 42 Ave (LeJeune) NW 28 St North of NW 31 St Flatten the access point to allow fast in-and-out. On the east side of LeJeune merge and close some access points and move them. $ $0.039 $ $0.051 Medley freight hub streetlight and local roadway improvements Add street lights to local roads in Medley to increase safety and help to facilitate expanded hours of operations. $ $3.655 $ $5.731 NW 72 Ave (Milam Dairy) NW 58 St NW 74 St High number of access points and side streets on the west side. Merge and reduce access points, extend right turn radius onto side streets. $ $0.197 $ $0.258 rD reviR htuoS )eebohceekO( 72-SU yaW 611 WN Improve signal operations with truck headways and lost time. Retime and improve signal coordination. $ $0.429 $ $0.562 evA 47 WN evA 28 WN tS 85 WN High number of access points on the south side of NW 58th Street. Merge and reduce access points close to busy intersections if possible. $ $2.268 $ $2.971 evA 47 WN tS 85 WN Extend right turn radius at this location. Truck backing up at NB downstream; Move the access/egress point future downstream. $ $0.460 $ $0.603 evA 47 WN evA 48 WN tS 47 WN Merge and close some access points on south side of NW 74 St if possible. Provide advance signage WB lane drop after NW 79 Pl. $ $2.172 $ $2.845 senal 4 ot 2 morf nediW tS 52 WN tS 14 WN evA 28 WN $ $5.700 $ $7.467 NW South River Drive NW 36 Street Reduce the slope on NB approach is possible. Improve timing and coordination between South River Dr and Le Jeune Rd. $ $0.594 $ $0.778 US-27 (Okeechobee) NW 138 Ave NW 79 Ave Signal timing improvements, improve access and improve signing to provide better flow $ $0.131 $ $0.172 Truck Parking Improvement US-27 (Okeechobee)/ SR-821 (HEFT) Provide a location in the area of Okeechobee Road and the HEFT for long-term truck parking and staging. $ $2.500 $ $3.275 evirD reviR htuoS WN )eebohceekO( 72-SU evA 61 W Improve signal timing and coordination considering truck headways. Pull back curb at the right turn spot to allow wider right turn radius. $ $0.460 $ $0.603 Way-Finding Sign Improvement Program Improve county-wide way-finding for movements to/from regional freight hubs. $ $2.433 $ $3.187 evA 72 WN 211-RS evirD reviR htroN WN Repave, mark center lane as truck standing permitted, widen where possible to provide side-or-roadtruck parking. $ $2.946 $ $4.131 Truck Parking Facility NW 12 St/ SR-821 (HEFT) Truck Parking facility adjacent to Dolphin Station Transit Terminal Park-and-Ride. $ $16.700 $ $20.574 Project Costs Funded via Cost Feasible Project Limits From Limits noitpircseD oT Total Capital Cost (2013 $) Priority IV Truck Parking Improvement $30.000 Priority III Priority II Priority I Development of additional parking facilities. Strategic locations to be determined. 1 2 3 MAP ID 4 n/a 5 7 6 n/a 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 n/a 15 16 n/a - not applicable, project not shown on map