Miami-Dade 2040 LRTP - Oct. 23, 2014

MIAMI-DADE LONG RANGE TRANSPORTATION PLAN UPDATE TO THE YEAR 2040 Chapter 6 | Multimodal Solutions EYES ON THE FUTURE | 6-67 Table 6-19 | Congestion Management Program Toolbox A CMP toolbox was developed for the Miami-Dade MPO, considering the region’s demographics and congestion pattern. The toolbox is organized into nine CMP strategy categories: Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) and Transportation System Management (TSM), Transportation Demand Management (TDM), Land Use, Parking, Regulatory, Transit, Highway, Bicycle and Pedestrian, and Access Management. Within each category, there are a number of strategies. Table 6-19 lists the nine categories, number of CMP strategies included in each category, general benefits and costs pertinent to each category, and most representative strategies. Additional information about the CMP toolbox strategies are listed in Appendix E . Table 6-20 list the CMP projects by Priority. Major Categories Intensity/ Number of Strategies Bene ts Costs Examples Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) and Transportation 19 strategies Reduce travel time, reduce stops, reduce delays, increase safety Mostly low to moderate Signal coordination, ramp metering, highway information systems, service patrols TDM 9 strategies Reduce peak period travel, reduce SOV VMT Mostly low to moderate Alternative work hours, telecommuting, road pricing, toll roads Land Use 5 strategies Decrease SOV trips, increase walk trips, increase transit modeshare, air quality benefit Low to moderate Infill, TOD development, densification Parking 7 strategies Increase transit use, reduce VMT, generate revenue Low to moderate Preferential parking for HOVS, park and ride lots, advanced parking systems Regulatory 5 strategies Decrease VMT, air quality benefits, increase safety, generate revenue Low to moderate Carbon pricing, VMT fee, pay as you drive insurance, auto restriction zones, truck restrictions Transit 15 strategies Shifting modeshare, increasing transit ridership, reduce VMT, provide air quality benefits Low to high Increasing coverages and frequencies, new fixed guideway travelways, signal priority, intelligent transit stops (tech improvements) Highway 9 strategies Increase capacity, mobility, and traffic flow Moderate to high HOV lanes, super street arterials, highway widening, acceleration and deceleration lanes, design improvements Bicycle and Pedestrian 8 strategies Decrease auto modeshare, reduce VMT, provide air quality benefits Mostly low New sidewalks and bike lanes, improved facilities near transit stations, bike sharing, and exclusive rights of way Access Management 9 strategies Increase capacity, efficiency, and mobility, reduce travel time Mostly moderate to high Turn restrictions, turn lanes, frontage roads, roundabout intersections