Miami-Dade 2040 LRTP - Oct. 23, 2014
MIAMI-DADE LONG RANGE TRANSPORTATION PLAN UPDATE TO THE YEAR 2040 Chapter 6 | Multimodal Solutions EYES ON THE FUTURE | 6-65 CMP objectives were drawn from Miami-Dade County’s 2040 LRTP goals and objectives and serve as one of the primary points of connection between the CMP and LRTP, and define the direction for development of CMP Performance Measures. Different from the 2009 update, in the 2014 CMP update process, transit, freight, and non-motorized modes are evaluated through the 2040 LRTP update process as a separate effort, thus are not included in the CMP update process. Mobility performance measures, along with other measures, are emphasized in the federal transportation legislation MAP-21. CMP Performance Measures are used to characterize current and future conditions on the transportation system in the region. Performance Measures were selected to identify congested corridors (segments greater than 2 miles) and for the evaluation methodology. Congested corridors were evaluated using a 4-Step process with two different weighting schemes to emphasize different congestion aspects (intensity, duration, extent, and variability). Hotspots are roadway infrastructure segments shorter than two miles. The methodology for identifying and evaluating hotspots is by total vehicle delay, which is calculated using the following measures from the loaded travel demand model, Southeast Regional Planning Model (SERPM), network output file: Daily volume AM-peak travel time ( AM TT) Off-peak tr avel time (Off Peak TT) PM-peak travel time (PM TT) Free flow travel time (Free Flow TT) CMP projects were identified using the final list of congested corridors and hotspots and supplemented with high-priority 2035 LRTP congestion management projects carried forward as unfunded needs. The methodology used to identify CMP projects for the 2040 plan is described below: After the process described above, a total of 20 CMP corridors and hotspots were identified as candidates for CMP funding as listed in Table 6-18 . These 20 CMP corridors and hotspots were then prioritized using “average vehicle delay”. All Tier 1 congested corridors are proposed for CMP improvements. 2035 LRTP CMP projects that had an evaluation score of over 35 are proposed for CMP improvements. Tier 1 hotspots were checked against the corridors proposed for CMP improvements. Only hotspots outside of those corridors are proposed for CMP improvements. 1 2 3 “Congestion management is the application of strategies to improve transportation system performance and reliability by reducing the adverse impacts of congestion on the movement of people and goods.”