Miami-Dade 2040 LRTP - Oct. 23, 2014

6-64 | MOBILITY OPTIONS Slow and stopped traffic, longer travel times, and long queues of vehicles result from traffic congestion. Traffic congestion stresses the transportation system and drivers causing billions of gallons of wasted fuel, hours of wasted time, and costs to the economy. According to the Texas Transportation Institute (TTI), Urban Mobility Information for 2011, each auto commuter in the Miami Urbanized Area experienced 47 hours of delay, 25 gallons of excess fuel, and a congestion cost of $933, annually. Congestion management is an integral part of the planning process and the Congestion Management Process (CMP) is required to be developed and implemented pursuant to Title 23 U.S. Code § 134 – Metropolitan Transportation Planning in Transportation Management Areas (TMA). Congestion management is the application of strategies to improve transportation system performance and reliability by reducing the adverse impacts of congestion on the movement of people and goods through demand reduction and operational improvements. The Miami-Dade County 2014 Congestion Management Process Update improved upon the 2009 Miami-Dade Congestion Management Process. The CMP is an on-going process which requires continuous data collection, performance monitoring and strategies assessment. The CMP was developed based on the 8-step process outlined in FHWA’s Congestion Management Process: A Guidebook. Figure 6-22 illustrates the 8-step process. Congestion Management Set-Aside Projects Figure 6-22 | Elements of the CMP Yearly, Miami Commuters Waste: 47 Hours of Delay 25 Gallons of Fuel $933 of Congestion Costs Source: Congestion Management Process: A Guidebook, FHWA