Miami-Dade 2040 LRTP - Oct. 23, 2014

Table 6-14 | Bicycle/Pedestrian Priority I Projects (continued) (Values in Thousands YOE $) 6-50 | MOBILITY OPTIONS Bolded phase funds are included in the 2015/2019 Miami-Dade TIP *Funded in 2015/2019 Miami-Dade County Transportation Imrpovement Program (TIP) in conjunction with road reconstruction/rehabilitation ** Safe Routes to School - funded as a program 2015/2019 Miami-Dade County TIP ($6.2M) Project Handle Limits From Limits To Description Total Capital Cost Funded via TIP Total Capital Cost (2014 $) Project Costs Funded via 2040 Plan sloohcS ot setuoR efaS retneC 8-K kraP notsniW ** sloohcS ot setuoR efaS yratnemelE maharG R tsenrE ** sloohcS ot setuoR efaS yratnemelE enalwodaeM ** sloohcS ot setuoR efaS yratnemelE drappehS neB ** sloohcS ot setuoR efaS yratnemelE doowtnerB ** Gertrude Edelman/Sabal Palm Elementary Safe Routes to Schools ** sloohcS ot setuoR efaS yratnemelE ekaL hsinapS ** Melrose Elementary Safe Routes to Schools ** sloohcS ot setuoR efaS yratnemelE margnI .B treboR .rD ** Biscayne Elementary Safe Routes to Schools ** sloohcS ot setuoR efaS yratnemelE hcaeB htroN ** sloohcS ot setuoR efaS retneC 8-K rehsiF/grebneiF ** sloohcS ot setuoR efaS retneC 8-K sekaL imaiM ** sloohcS ot setuoR efaS yratnemelE odnodeR ** sloohcS ot setuoR efaS yratnemelE haodnanehS ** sloohcS ot setuoR efaS yratnemelE ffulB revliS ** sloohcS ot setuoR efaS yratnemelE kraP hcolniK ** Fairlawn Elementary Safe Routes to Schools ** sloohcS ot setuoR efaS yratnemelE gnuoY nahtaN ** sloohcS ot setuoR efaS yratnemelE thgirB .H semaJ ** sloohcS ot setuoR efaS yratnemelE edisgninroM ** sloohcS ot setuoR efaS yratnemelE snedraG haelaiH ** Perrine Elementary Safe Routes to Schools ** sloohcS ot setuoR efaS yratnemelE ottemlaP ** sloohcS ot setuoR efaS yratnemelE evirD drawoH ** sloohcS ot setuoR efaS yratnemelE feeR laroC ** sloohcS ot setuoR efaS yratnemelE tserceniP ** sloohcS ot setuoR efaS yratnemelE srednuaS ** Avocado Elementary Safe Routes to Schools ** Project