Miami-Dade 2040 LRTP - Oct. 23, 2014

MIAMI-DADE LONG RANGE TRANSPORTATION PLAN UPDATE TO THE YEAR 2040 Chapter 6 | Multimodal Solutions EYES ON THE FUTURE | 6-45 Table 6-13 | Evaluation Criteria for On-road and Off-Road Facilities On-Road Facilities Off-Road Facilities Pedestrian & Bicyclist Crash Data Pedestrian and Bicycle LOS Schools, Employment Centers, Residential, Public Transit, Parks and Recreation Areas Schools, Employment Centers, Residential, Public Transit, Parks and Recreation Areas Existing Pedestrian and Bicyclist Facilities Existing Pedestrian and Bicyclist Facilities Local Support Funding Funding ROW (Right-of-Way) Availability Component of an LRTP Project Existing Conditions Unpaved Path Connectivity Cost Feasibility ROW (Right-of-Way) Availability Parameters The Plan’s Goals and Objectives, developed in consultation with the MPO’s Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC), were used to identify evaluation criteria. The evaluation criteria were broadly divided into four parameters: Existing Conditions, Connectivity, Local Support, and Cost Feasibility, shown in Table 6-13 . Each parameter included one or more variables measuring different aspects of the parameter. The evaluation criteria are slightly different for on-road facilities and off-road facilities. For example, crash data can be used to evaluate on-road facilities but not off-road facilities. The 2040 Bicycle/Pedestrian Needs Plan was developed from the 2035 Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan and incorporates the 2014/2015 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and area-wide plans and studies to identify non-motorized transportation needs. These projects were analyzed to identify gaps in the proposed non-motorized system that represent additional needs with a focus to fill in gaps between proposed facilities or between a proposed facility and a key destination. The non-motorized transportation needs assessment seeks to identify facilities that should be more bicycling and walking friendly. “The vision of theMiami-Dade 2040 Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan is to enhance the accessibility, safety, public health, social equity, environment, and overall quality of life within Miami-Dade County by creating interconnected bicycle and pedestrian friendly communities throughout the county.”