Miami-Dade 2040 LRTP - Oct. 23, 2014
MIAMI-DADE LONG RANGE TRANSPORTATION PLAN UPDATE TO THE YEAR 2040 Chapter 6 | Multimodal Solutions EYES ON THE FUTURE | 6-43 NW 7 St Extension NW 118 Ave NW 114 Ave New 2 lane road construction $ $10.000 NW 7 St Enhanced Bus Dolphin Station Transit Terminal Government Center Implement limited stop enhanced bus service $ $58.890 Okeechobee Enhanced Bus Miami Intermodal Center (MIC) Implement limited stop enhanced bus service $ $43.680 Okeechobee Terminal SR-821 (HEFT)/ US-27 (Okeechobee) Park-and-Ride facility with a minimum of 250 spaces $2.600 Palmetto Express (Central) via Plametto Intermodal Terminal Dolphin Station Transit Terminal Miami Lakes Terminal (NW 154 St / SR-826) Express bus service $0.137 Palmetto Express Bus (East) Palmetto Intermodal Terminal Golden Glades Interchange Terminal Implement express bus service on managed lanes between terminals $0.137 Palmetto Express Bus (North) Palmetto Intermodal Terminal NW 183 St/ I-75 Interchange Express commuter transit service $0.078 Palmetto Express Bus (South) Dadeland North Metrorail Station Dolphin Station Transit Terminal Implement express bus service on managed lanes between terminals $0.078 Palmetto Express Bus (West) SW 8 St (Tamiami)/ SW 147 Ave Palmetto Intermodal Terminal Express bus on managed lanes $1.735 Park-and-Ride Garages at Metrorail Stations Construction of Park-and-Ride facilities at Metrorail stations within the City of Miami $ $200.000 Park-and-Ride at SW 152nd St & SR-821 (HEFT) Park-and-Ride facility $ $12.500 Park-and-Ride at Gratigny Pkwy/NW 119 St/NW 27 Ave Park-and-Ride facility $5.460 .gnitekcit & drac trams fo noisnapxe & noitulove deunitnoC SMVT dna ygolonhceT draC tramS $0.500 SR-821 (HEFT) SR-821 (HEFT North) Dolphin Station Transit Terminal Miami Gardens/ I-75 Park- and-Ride Implement express bus service on managed lanes between terminals $0.176 SR-821 (HEFT-South) SW 344 St (Palm)/ Busway Dolphin Station Transit Terminal Express transit service $0.293 Sunset Enhanced Bus West Kendall Transit Terminal South Miami Metrorail Station Implement limited stop enhanced bus service $45.240 SW 127 Ave Enhanced Bus SW 137 Ave at Kendall Tamiami Airport Dolphin Station Transit Terminal Implement new enhanced bus $40.950 SW 137 Ave Enhanced Bus US-1 SW 8 St (Tamiami)/ SW 147 Ave Premium limited-stop transit service $63.570 )TFEH( 128-RS ssorca ssaprevO evA 221 WS evA 211 WS tS 84 /tS 74 WS $24.577 SW 8 St Enhanced Bus FIU-MMC Brickell Metrorail Station Implement limited stop enhanced bus service $43.680 slevel tisnart dipar sub ot yawsub no ecivres evorpmI )mlaP( tS 443 WS )lladneK( tS 88 WS yawsuB 1-SU $18.980 ytiroirp langis suB )mlaP( tS 443 WS )lladneK( tS 88 WS US-1 Busway $8.780 )mlaP( tS 443 WS )lladneK( tS 88 WS US-1 Busway Bus only grade separations at all intersections including and south of 98 St $ $307.800 noisnetxe liarorteM tS 401 WS $ $140.000 noisnetxe liarorteM )mlaP( tS 443 WS $2,660.000 US-1 US-1 Corridor SW 88 St (Kendall) SW 104 St Improve bus hub add kiss-and-ride, expand parking $ $12.500 Tra˜c Management Center (TMC) $25.000 noitats refsnart sub hcaeB htuoS weN noitatS refsnarT suB hcaeB htuoS $1.472 SR-874 Ramp Connector Park-and-Ride Facility Park-and-Ride facility $2.860 O&M Description Total Capital Cost (2013 $) Limits To Project Limits From Table 6-12 | Unfunded Projects (continued) (Values in Millions $) West Kendall Transit Terminal Improvements SW 88 St (Kendall)/ SW 162 Ave New 4 lane divided roadway NW 168 St NW 154 St *NW 102 Ave $7.837 New 4 lane divided roadway NW 107 Ave NW 97 Ave $9.423 *NW 158 St *Added by MPO Resolution #07-16 (in 2015 $) Miami River Tunnel $900.000