Miami-Dade 2040 LRTP - Oct. 23, 2014

Table 6-9 | Priority IV Projects (Values in Millions YOE $) 6-30 | MOBILITY OPTIONS Bolded phase funds are included in the 2015/2019 Miami-Dade TIP * denotes portions of phase values are included in both the TIP and 2040 Plan senal sserpxe htiw nediW tS 071 WN 6 (Palmetto) 28-RS 57-I $ $550.000 egnahcretnI yfidoM At Miami Garden Dr 57-I $ $8.520 $ $132.820 stnemevorpmi yawdaoR sitimiL ytiC imaiM tS 41 WN evA imaiM .N $ $3.358 $ $7.576 tcurtsnocer dna senal 2 ddA yawhgiH eixiD tseW evA 6 EN tS 951 EN $ $13.731 $ $ 28.032 North Canal Dr SW 162 Ave SW 152 Ave Add 2 lanes and divided roadway with left turn lanes $ $8.493 $ $17.321 North Corridor (NW 27 Ave) BRT with Dedicated Lanes Miami Intermodal Center (MIC) NW 215 St Full bus rapid transit $ $291.120 $ $625.975 eniL ytnuoC eht ot evA 701 WN dnetxE enil ytnuoC draworB tS 071 WN NW 107 Ave*** $ $34.404 $ $70.887 ecafruser dna senal 3 ot nediW 1-SU retneC civiC tS 41 WN $ $7.857 $ $16.056 noitcurtsnoc daor enal 4 weN 57-I evA 79 WN tS 681 WN $ $5.355 $ $10.906 )yriaD maliM( evA 27 WN tA tS 63 WN Grade separation of NW 36 St over NW 72 Ave $ $39.705 $ $80.601 rotcennoc yfidoM draY ladomretnI CEF )ottemlaP( 628-RS tS 47 WN $ $130.900 NW 79 St/NW 81 St/NW 82 St NW 13 Ct Biscayne Bay Capacity improvements $ $16.859 $ $34.223 tcurtsnocer dna senal 2 ddA tS 25 WN tS 85 WN evA 79 WN $ $2.514 $ $5.132 Port of Miami Tunnel Port of Miami SR 836 (Dolphin)/I-395 Financing/repayments $ $10.264 $ $6.500 Port of Miami Tunnel Port of Miami SR 836 (Dolphin)/I-395 Financing/repayments $ $2,611.161 $ $1,463.342 Port Tunnel / Miami-Dade County MPO Priority FDOT repayment to Miami-Dade County $ $110.000 $ $382.000 Transportation systems management and operations (TSM&O) imaimaT( tS 8 WS )driB( tS 04 WS )TFEH( 128-RS $ $8.640 $ $17.539 tS 47 WN tS 21 WN )TFEH( 128-RS Transportation systems management and operations (TSM&O) $ $17.064 $ $34.640 )driB( tS 04 WS )lladneK( tS 88 WS )TFEH( 128-RS Transportation systems management and operations (TSM&O) $ $13.997 $ $28.414 senal 01 ot nediW ywkP nailliK )aluhS noD( 478-RS )TFEH( 128-RS $ $52.742 $ $101.973 senal 8 ot nediW )enilniaM( ekipnruT )deR( evA 75 WN )TFEH( 128-RS $ $40.238 $ $90.991 senal 8 ot nediW )deR( tS 75 WN 57-I )TFEH( 128-RS $ $47.176 $ $93.266 SR-826 (Palmetto) NW 103 St NW 154 St Widen with express lanes $ $763.400 SR-826 (Palmetto) SR-836 (Dolphin) NW 103 St Add 4 special use lanes $ $763.400 lanaC imaimaT revo egdirb weN lanaC imaimaT evA 201 WS $ $5.520 $ $11.221 tcurtsnocer dna senal 2 ddA evA 731 WS evA 741 WS tS 401 WS $ $7.568 $ $15.442 tcurtsnocer dna senal 2 ddA evA 741 WS dvlB skcommaH tS 401 WS $ $5.245 $ $10.702 tcurtsnocer dna senal 2 ddA evA 711 WS evA 731 WS tS 021 WS $ $15.285 $ $31.190 tcurtsnocer dna senal 2 ddA tS 481 WS 1-SU evA 731 WS $ $10.466 $ $21.581 Project Costs Funded via 2040 Plan Project Limits From Limits To Description Total Capital Cost Funded via TIP Total Capital Cost (2013 $) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 n/a n/a n/a 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 MAP ID ** denotes Operations and Maintenance is funded via MDT system e ciencies ***Project does not comply with the CDMP n/a - not applicable, project not shown on map