Miami-Dade 2040 LRTP - Oct. 23, 2014

Table 6-7 | Priority II Projects (continued) (Values in Millions YOE $) 6-20 | MOBILITY OPTIONS Bolded phase funds are included in the 2015/2019 Miami-Dade TIP * denotes portions of phase values are included in both the TIP and 2040 Plan ** denotes Operations and Maintenance is funded via MDT system e ciencies n/a - not applicable, project not shown on map Project Costs Funded via 2040 Plan Project Limits From Limits To Description Total Capital Cost Funded via TIP Total Capital Cost (2013 $) tcurtsnocer dna senal 2 ddA evA 75 WN )enueJeL( evA 24 WN dR retemireP $ $13.488 $ $17.373 Port of Miami Tunnel / Oversight Consultant Payment to oversight consultant of the Port of Miami Tunnel 618.$2 $ 003.$3 $ SR-924 Gratigny West Extension SR-826 (Palmetto)/I-75 SR-821 (HEFT) Extend SR-924 to SR-821 (HEFT) with connections to I-75 and SR- 826 (Palmetto) $ $25.886 $ $150.000 $ $240.800 tS 441 WS tS 021 WS evA 721 WS Add 2 lanes and new 4 lane road construction $ $10.118 $ 635.3$1 tcurtsnocer dna senal 2 ddA rD tsooR liauQ 1-SU tS 002 WS $ $11.211 $ $15.279 tcurtsnocer dna senal 2 ddA evA 78 WS evA 701 WS tS 42 WS $ $15.758 $ $21.428 SW 312 St (Campbell) SW 152 Ave SW 137 Ave Add 2 lanes with left turn lanes and reconstruct $ $11.314 $ $14.932 SW 320 St (Mowry) SW 197 Ave US-1 SW 187 Ave SW 142 Ave Add 2 lanes with left turn lanes and reconstruct $ $5.355 $ 190.$7 SW 8 St (Tamiami) SW 87 Ave SW 107 Ave Grade Separations at SW 8 St/SW 87 Ave and SW 8 St/SW 107 Ave $ $1.650 $ $79.410 $ $181.653 1-SU evA 27 WS tS 08 WS Add 2 lanes and center turn lane and reconstruct $ $6.257 $ $8.605 Venetian Causeway Bridge Bayshore Dr Purdy Ave Bridge replacement $ $131.462 $ 106.77$1 senaL 4 ot nediW tS 571 EN tS 361 EN ywH eixiD W $ $4.682 $ 799.$5 29 n/a 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 MAP ID