Miami-Dade 2040 LRTP - Oct. 23, 2014

Table 6-6 | Priority I Projects (continued) (Values in Millions YOE $) Project Limits From Limits To Descrip on 57 SW 137 Ave US-1 SW 200 St Completion as 2 continuous lanes $13.934 58 SW 137 Ave SR-821 (HEFT) US-1 Add 2 lanes and reconstruct $6.949 59 SW 147 Ave/SW 8 St Park-and-Ride** Park-and- Ride facility $9.000 60 SW 152 St SW 157 Ave SW 147 Ave Add 2 lanes and reconstruct $2.351 61 SW 157 Ave SW 184 St (Eureka) SW 152 St (Coral Reef) New 4 lane road construction $6.662 62 SW 27 Ave US-1 Bayshore Dr Add center turn lane $1.347 63 Add 2 lanes and center turn lane and reconstruct SW 312 St (Campbell) SW 187 Ave SW 177 Ave $5.723 64 SW 312 St (Campbell) SR-997 (Krome) US-1 Widening existing lanes and reconstruct $13.181 65 SW 320 St (Mowry) SW 187 Ave Flagler Ave Add 2 lanes and reconstruct $1.805 66 SW 328 St US-1 SW 162 Ave Add 2 lanes and reconstruct $2.146 67 SW 336 St SR-997 (Krome) US-1 Widen and resurface existing roadway $1.390 68 SW 344 St (Palm) SR-997 (Krome) US-1 Widen and resurface existing roadway $0.890 69 West Ave Connector Bridge North of Lincoln Rd South of 18 St New bridge construction $5.473 70 SR-968/SW 1 St At Miami Bridge replacement $84.981 Bolded phase funds are included in the 2015/2019 Miami-Dade TIP * denotes portions of phase values are included in both the TIP and 2040 Plan MOBILITY OPTIONS Total Capital Cost Funded via TIP Total Capital Cost (2013 $) Project Costs Funded via 2040 Plan MAP ID 71 NW 89 Ave NW 93 St NW 95 St Widen to 3 lanes $1.550 72 NW 93 St NW 89 Ave NW 87 Ave Widen to 3 lanes $1.550 73 NE 151 St Biscayne Blvd Bay Vista Blvd Widen to 6 lanes 74 SR 836 (Dolphin) SR 836 (Dolphin) SR 821 (HEFT) New HEFT Ramp Connections $24.400 75 SR 874 (Don Shula)/SW 72 St Add new interchange $9.700 Table 6-6 | Priority I Projects (continued) (Values in Millions YOE $) Project Limits From Limits To Descrip on 57 SW 137 Ave US-1 SW 200 St Completion as 2 continuous lanes $13.934 8 SR 821 (HEFT) US-1 Add 2 lanes nd reconstruct $6. 49 9 4 /SW 8 St Park-and-Ride** Park-and- Ride facility 9 000 60 52 St SW 157 Ave SW 147 Ave Add 2 lanes and reconstruct 2 351 1 7 Ave 84 St (Eureka) 52 St (Coral Reef) New 4 l roa construction 6 662 2 27 Ave US- Bayshore Dr Add center turn lane 1 347 3 Add 2 lanes and center turn lane and reconstruct 312 St (Campbell) SW 87 Ave SW 177 Ave 5 723 4 R-99 (Krome) US- Widening existing lanes and reconstruct $13.181 5 20 (Mowry) W 18 Ave Flagler Ave Ad 2 lanes and reco struct $1.805 6 8 US- SW 162 2 146 7 36 SR 997 (Krome) US- Wi en d resurfa e existing roadway 1 390 8 44 (Palm) 0 8 9 West Ave Connector Bridge North of Lincoln Rd South of 18 St New bridge construction 5 473 70 SR-968/SW 1 St At Miami Bridge repla ement $ 84.981 Bolded phase funds are included in the 2015/2019 Miami-Dade TIP * denotes portions of phase values are included in both the TIP and 2040 Plan MOBILITY OPTIONS Total Capital Cost Funded via TIP Total Capital Cost (2013 $) Project Costs Funded via 2040 Plan MAP ID 71 NW 89 Ave NW 93 St NW 95 St Widen to 3 lanes $ 1.813 2 93 St 89 Ave 87 Ave i e t 3 la es $ 1.813 3 E 151 Biscayne Blvd Bay Vista Blvd 6 4 SR 836 (Dolphin) SR 836 (Dolphin) SR 821 (HEFT) New HEFT R mp Connections $ 24.400 5 74 n Shula)/SW 72 St Add new interchange $ 9.700 $1.281 $1.281 $20.165 $8.017 6-14 | MOBILITY OPTIONS 76 NW 82 Ave NW 7 St NW 10 St NW 10 St NW 12 St Widen to 3 lanes New 4 lane road construction $2.717 77 NW South River Dr NW 38 St NW 32 Ave Roadway reconstruction and bridge replacement at Palmer Lake $9.118 78 NW 97 Ave NW 154 St NW 170 St New 2 lane roadway (West side) $5.000 79 NW 107 Ave NW 138 St NW 170 St New 5 lane roadway $14.000 80 Homestead Multimodal Transit Center & Pedestrian Transit Access Construct new multimodal transit center $33.330 81 SR 112 (Airport Expressway) NW 37 Ave $12.9 Ramp Improvements 82 SR 924 (Gratingy Parkway) NW 67 Ave $26.2 Partial Interchange 83 New roadway under SR 826 along NW 7 St West of SR 826 $1.5 New 2 lane roadway 84 NW 97 Ave NW 52 St Widen 2 to 4 lanes NW 76 Ave NW 58 St $3.668