Miami-Dade 2040 LRTP - Oct. 23, 2014
Table 6-6 | Priority I Projects (continued) (Values in Millions YOE $) MOBILITY OPTIONS Bolded phase funds are included in the 2015/2019 Miami-Dade TIP * denotes portions of phase values are included in both the TIP and 2040 Plan ** denotes Operations and Maintenance is funded via MDT system e˜ciencies Project Limits From Limits To Description Total Capital Cost Funded via TIP Total Capital Cost (2013 $) Project Costs Funded via 2040 Plan tcurtsnocer dna senal 2 ddA tS 07 WN tS 85 WN evA 79 WN $ $5.500 SFRTA Metrorail Tri-Rail 79 St Transfer Station Intermodal hub capacity $ $0.374 egnahcretni yfidoM 59-I evA 21 WN SR 836 (Dolphin)/I-95 Interchange Ramps $ $142.048 $ $131.824 tcurtsnocer dna senal ddA egdirB lanaC tS 06 )lladneK( tS 88 WS )TFEH( 128-RS $ $224.049 tcurtsnocer dna senal ddA )nihploD( 638-RS )driB( tS 04 WS )TFEH( 128-RS $ $156.248 tcurtsnocer dna senal ddA tS 612 WS tS 882 WS )TFEH( 128-RS $ $80.267 tcurtsnocer dna senal ddA 57-I tS 601 WN )TFEH( 128-RS $ $100.907 tcurtsnocer dna senal ddA NW 106 St )nihploD( 638-RS )TFEH( 128-RS $ $203.822 SR-826 (Palmetto) and I-75 Flagler NW 170 St NW 154 St SR-826 (Palmetto) Managed lanes $ $298.103 SR-826 (Palmetto) and SR 836 (Dolphin) Interchange North of SW 8 St (Tamiami) NW 87 Ave South of 25 St NW 57 Ave (Red) Interchange improvement $ $843.949 SR-836 (Dolphin) Access Ramp NW 107 Ave SR-836 (Dolphin) Construction of access ramp $ $3.467 SR-836 (Dolphin) Enhanced Bus** Miami Intermodal Center (MIC) SW 147 Ave/ SW 8 St (Tamiami) Park-and-Ride Enhanced bus service $ $25.000 SR-836 (Dolphin) Improvements NW 57 Ave NW 17 Ave Mainline widening and interchange improvements $ $198.786 SR-836 (Dolphin) Interchange Modiÿcations At 87 Ave SR-836 (Dolphin) West of 82 Ave NW 97 Ave Interchange improvements $ $80.979 SR-874 (Don Shula) Ramp Connector SW 128 St SR-874 (Don Shula) New connector ramp construction $ $103.421 SR-874 (Don Shula)/ Killian Parkway Interchange SR-821 (HEFT) SW 88 St (Kendall) Mainline widening and interchange reconstruction $ $1.269 SR-997 (Krome) SW 88 St (Kendall) One Mile North of SW 8 St (Tamiami) Add 2 lanes and reconstruct $ $75.580 SR-997 (Krome) SW 136 St SW 88 St (Kendall) Add 2 lanes and reconstruct $ $51.838 SR-997 (Krome) North of SW 8 St (Tamiami) MP 2.754 Add 2 lanes and reconstruct $ $22.184 SR-997 (Krome) MP 10.953 MP 14.184/ US-27 (Okeechobee) Add 2 lanes and reconstruct $ $42.082 SR-997 (Krome) MP 2.754 MP 5.122 Add 2 lanes and reconstruct $ $20.714 SR-997 (Krome) MP 5.122 MP 8.151 Add 2 lanes and reconstruct $ $27.589 SR-997 (Krome) MP 8.151 MP 10.935 Add 2 lanes and reconstruct $ $24.460 SR-997 (Krome) SW 312 St ( Campbell) SW 296 St Resurface and add 2 lanes $ $14.098 SR-997 (Krome) SW 296 St SW 232 St Add 2 lanes and reconstruct $ $79.351 SR-997 (Krome) SW 232 St SW 184 St (Eureka) Add 2 lanes and reconstruct $ $53.080 SR-997 (Krome) SW 184 St (Eureka) SW 136 St Add 2 lanes and reconstruct $ $38.236 tnemevap etatilibaher dna senal ddA tS relgalF tseW tS 3 WS evA 701 WS $ $14.132 tnemevap etatilibaher dna senal ddA tS 3 WS kcolB 0011 WS evA 701 WS $ $32.470 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 MAP ID $26.542 Table 6-6 | Priority I Projects (continued) (Values in Millions YOE $) MOBILITY OPTIONS Projec Limits From Limits To Description Total Ca Funde tcurtsnocerdnasenal2ddA tS07WN tS85WN evA79WN $ SFRTA Metrorail Tri-Rail 79 St Transfer Station Intermodal hub capacity $ egnahcretniyfidoM 59-I evA21WN SR 836 (Dolphin)/I-95 Interchange Ramps $ tcurtsnocerdnasenalddA egdirBlanaCtS06 )lladneK(tS88WS )TFEH(128-RS $ tcurtsnocerdnasenalddA )nihploD(638-RS )driB(tS04WS )TFEH(128-RS $ tcurtsnocerdnasenalddA tS612WS tS882WS )TFEH(128-RS $ tcurtsnocerdnasenalddA 57-I tS601WN )TFEH(128-RS $ tcurtsnocerdnasenalddA NW 106 St )nihploD(638-RS )TFEH(128-RS $ SR-826 (Palmetto) and I-75 Flagler NW 170 St NW 154 St SR-826 (Palmetto) Managed lanes $ SR-826 (Palmetto) and SR 836 (Dolphin) Interchange North of SW 8 St (Tamiami) NW 87 Ave South of 25 St NW 57 Ave (Red) Interchange improvement $ SR-836 (Dolphin) Access Ramp NW 107 Ave SR-836 (Dolphin) Construction of access ramp $ SR-836 (Dolphin) Enhanced Bus** Miami Intermodal Center (MIC) SW 147 Ave/ SW 8 St (Tamiami) Park-and-Ride Enhanced bus service $ SR-836 (Dolphin) Improvements NW 57 Ave NW 17 Ave Mainline widening and interchange improvements $ SR-836 (Dolphin) Interchange Modiÿcations At 87 Ave SR-836 (Dolphin) West of 82 Ave NW 97 Ave Interchange improvements $ SR-874 (Don Shula) Ramp Connector SW 128 St SR-874 (Don Shula) New connector ramp construction $ SR-874 (Don Shula)/ Killian Parkway Interchange SR-821 (HEFT) SW 88 St (Kendall) Mainline widening and interchange reconstruction $ SR-997 (Krome) SW 88 St (Kendall) One Mile North of SW 8 St (Tamiami) Add 2 lanes and reconstruct $ SR-997 (Krome) SW 136 St SW 88 St (Kendall) Add 2 lanes and reconstruct $ SR-997 (Krome) North of SW 8 St (Tamiami) MP 2.754 Add 2 lanes and reconstruct $ SR-997 (Krome) MP 10.953 MP 14.184/ US-27 (Okeechobee) Add 2 lanes and reconstruct $ SR-997 (Krome) MP 2.754 MP 5.122 Add 2 lanes and reconstruct $ SR-997 (Krome) MP 5.122 MP 8.151 Add 2 lanes and reconstruct $ SR-997 (Krome) MP 8.151 MP 10.935 Add 2 lanes and reconstruct $ SR-997 (Krome) SW 312 St ( C mpbell) SW 296 St Resurface and add 2 lanes $ SR-997 (Krome) SW 296 St SW 232 St Add 2 lanes and reconstruct $ SR-997 (Krome) SW 232 St SW 184 St (Eureka) Add 2 lanes and reconstruct $ SR-997 (Krome) SW 184 St (Eureka) SW 136 St Add 2 lanes and reconstruct $ tnemevapetatilibaherdnasenalddA tSrelgalFtseW tS3WS vA701WS $ tnemevapetatilibaherdnasenalddA tS3WS kcolB0011WS evA701WS $ 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 MAP ID 6-12 | MOBILITY OPTIONS l s f s r i l i t / i i- I t s rti s f s l s r i l i t t I l ** denotes Operations and Maintenance is funded via MDT system e˜ciencies